Unraveling the most entangled and complex relationship we may have our whole life, our family.
You must separate from the family
And become an autonomous being
In your integrity and authority
To be able to then rejoin your family
Not as a player in an unconscious drama
But as a sovereign entity
Who stands for truth and love
And no longer plays the old games
It is a tough transition
But to truly grow up
One must make this step.
What to do with family? Do we fight it, resign to it, resist it or play along with it, all the time compromising our integrity and authority?
At some point we have to deal with the issue of family.
Through dialogue, inquiry and silence we will court the beauty within.
Bring your honesty, your deepest questions and your willingness.
These meetings are on Mondays so we can set ourselves up for the week. A reset to remember what is important.
The meeting will be recorded and a copy sent to everyone who registers.
This is a donation based event. Pay what you feel or what you can.
Check your correct time with this time and date checker